Join the most important environmental congress in Latin America and the Caribbean
This is a unique opportunity to connect with key stakeholders to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Join the most important environmental congress in Latin America and the Caribbean
This is a unique opportunity to connect with key stakeholders to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Are you interested in the potential of sustainability?

This event is for you!

Thank you for joining RedLAC 2023.

Registration via ticket purchase to the technical event has ended.

Thanks for your preference.
See you in Cusco.

Frequent questions

No. If you are an environmental fund from another continent or work in the financial, environmental and/or similar sectors, you can register to be part of this congress.

No, the ticket does not include accommodation. However, all participants will be given hotel recommendations to stay at at corporate rates.

No, the ticket does not include accommodation. However, all participants will be given hotel recommendations to stay at at corporate rates.

Yes. You can register and be part of this event.